Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Can't be that long!!

Wow! Has it really been that long since i last posted?....i guess so.....Well where should I start....Lots has been happening ...some good but mostly bad....let me explain. My mother-in-law has alzheimer's. We take her every saturday to give my sister-in-law a break, this in turn is very hard on us too because it keeps us from being able to enjoy some outings we would normally do with our three kids. NObody ever told me how hard it would really be. Needless to say our family time has suffered not leaving us much time for friends and other family members. On top of all this, my husband lost his job in February , leaving us with no income for two months( He has since found a new one), we have been playing catch up since then. In September my own mother was diagnosed with, of all things ALZHEIMER's. She is only 72 and was my rock. I cry everytime i get off the phone with her because our conversation have changed so much ,i'm no longer able to confide in her....we talk about the weather, how she's feeling and when my next visit will be. So much has happened this year that i'm seriouly looking forward to the new year and hopefully some better luck. This weekend we are getting ready to celebrate my kids birthday. Yes you read it right...i have two kids who share a birthday. My son will be 16 and my daughter will be the big 5 on sunday the 16th. They are truly my rays of sunshine . So until next...I hope everyone is doing well.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Where have i been?

That's the question!

Actually i have been right were i was supposed to be...at home!! Taking care of my family.

I was just sooo busy with the kids, school, birthday parties and now Christmas that i don't know where time went.

Nothing new to report or write about, actually i'll talk about some things a little later when i have a little more time...because right now i'm off to bake cookies with my 13 year old son who is home sick from school, though he feels better already..

I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I did it!!

I did it!..I joined a gym...Curves to be exact...i'm so happy about that.....it's just the boost i needed to get back in shape ....now all i have to do is whatch what i eat and excercise. I've been wanting to loose some extra weight i gained after my daughter was born....and yes, you read that correctly ..i didn't gain in during my pregnancy but rather after. I blame it on the fact that i went back on the pill...does anyone else have that problem?. Anytime i take anything with hormones in it like the pill or fertility pills (I've done those too) I seem to gain allot of weight. Anyhow, time to take charge and a loose the weight. I'm sooo psyched...wish me luck!

Monday, September 24, 2007

life goes on.......

Wow, i can't believe it's been two months since my last post but life got in the way...once again.

Kids are back in school and my little one has just started pre-school. I think that the first day was harder on me than on her...wait...it wasn't hard on her at all. She was so happy to go she forgot to kiss me goodbye....sure i got a wave but it's not the same. Maybe i was hoping she'd grab my skirt (or pants) and beg me not to leave her there like both her brothers did...but then again it did make me feel less guilty than leaving a crying child so that went well....tomorrow i'm planning and i do mean planning (let's see if i actually do it) on joining a gym to keep me busy Oh Hell..let's be honest...it's to get me in shape. So these are my plans as of now...i'll let you know what happens later....

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Not sure what to call this post, so i'll just skip the intro.

Summer is going by soooo fast...i don't know if it has to do with me being busy with the kids all day or just the fact that time does fly by really fast (That's what my mother used to tell me when i was a kid but i never believed her) Only one month and a half before school starts and i freaked my older kids by starting to buy school supplies (i get things on sale as much as possible)....They were sad thinking i was looking forward to them already going back to school...but had to explain that it wasn't that at all....i was just trying to get the best sales possible, and you can't really go wrong buying a pack of 200 lined papers for 0.69$...or 3 steadler erasers for 0.99$ now can you?

I'll have both boys in high school this year...i can hardly believe it....one will be in grade 9 the other in grade 7 (which is secondary 1 and 3 in the french school system)...Time flies....I feel like i'm getting older so thank God i still have my little princess at home to keep me busy (she'll be going to pre-school only two mornings a week).

Anyhow time to go check on the children....we still havent' gone anywhere on vacation...i've been reading up on other peoples vacations and i'm starting to get jealous......i need to go somewhere soon...so wish me luck.

Friday, June 29, 2007

i can't believe it's been sooo long

Sorry about these long delays, but i have been sooo busy lately. The kids finished school on June 22nd, So now i have them home all day everyday, and i have to keep them intertained. I can't really complain as they are really good kids. They help me out with the cleaning, they play with their sister when asked to keep her busy while i do something else...and basically anything else i ask of them, how lucky am i?....i know, i know i'm blessed!.
My husband has started a new job a few weeks ago and he's working on this huge financing project, which in turn means we can't plan a vacation until he is done which is driving me crazy considering it gets delayed week after week....so we are all living on standby. The rewards will be great when this deal gets done though. ..As far as my diet, things have been slow. I haven't lost any more weight (might have something to do with my lack of trying :)

Anyhow...Life is generally very good...our days are warm....lots of soccer nights..(each boy plays two nights a week)....and we are looking forward to to some kind of vacation, even if only across the border. I hope everyone is well...

Thursday, May 31, 2007


Sorry it's been so long since my last post. I'm just not good at keeping track of my toughts and posting about them here, If i don't post as soon as i have (think i have) something good to post about i forget to do so ...

An update about my lifestyle change..( A.K.A. DIET) ....i have now lost 11 pounds. Great! but still slow to me. It's still not enough for me to feel or see a change. I think that's when i'll have the motivating boost, as soon as i can notice a change. So i'm hanging in there taking it one day at a time. How is everyone esle doing?..i know many of you are trying to loose a few pounds and i'd love to know how you're doing. Till then ....keep up the good work!!